Two Features in Theaters!
In Theaters March 10-11th
In Theaters March 17-18th
“As we head into uncertain times, let us prepare ourselves to be faithful and true”

Times of Fire
“The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire,” the first film in the series, examines the hostile environment described in the book of Revelation, one of the most complex and mysterious books of the Bible. It then turns the lens to the current persecutions throughout the world. What certainty can we find in the first three letters to the 7 Churches? Times of Fire – The 7 Churches of Revelation asks us the 2000-year old question, “Is your heart prepared for the return of Christ?
Times of Deception
“The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Deception,” the second film in this series, investigates the final 4 churches: Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.
The film ventures to these ancient church locations to uncover what we can learn today from the warnings given to those churches of the 1st Century. These Biblically prophetic letters point to a future that applies to us today. What do they warn? What important understandings are we to heed?